So as promised, today comes an embarrassing story that I find really funny. It happened over Thanksgiving break and it was awesome!
26 February 2009
Do you have a first aid kit handy?
Posted by Cameron Bell at 5:10 PM 0 comments
25 February 2009
Vegas, the city that never sleeps!
So for all of time, I have always been in my bed by the time the clock strokes midnight. Lately that has been a problem though. I have been staying up later and later as a result of more and more work due before spring break.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 11:49 PM 1 comments
24 February 2009
Stress is in the air!
In recent events it has come to my attention that some of my colleagues are stressed and yet do not know how to relieve this stress. Well today is your lucky night because I have some suggestions for you!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Update on Ramen gone wild and other things...
So after talking with Bernadette, there was a new development that has surfaced. The reason for the Ramen bag exploding has now been confirmed!!!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Ramen Noodles gone wild!
So today Bernadette and I were walking through the farmer's market. Midtown, a local church gives us some Ramen Noodles as an ad. for their church. I got some delicious flavor like steak and she got cream chicken which makes her gag. So after this event we go to the chicken man where I buy some paintings for a friend. After this event, she was like "Cameron, let me put those paintings in your book bag for you." And I just thought that she was being nice.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 5:40 PM 2 comments
I am still awake.
at 12:55 at night. This is awkward because no one else is awake around me. It is just me and the study room.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 12:55 AM 0 comments
22 February 2009
Shawty get loose...
So in two weekends I will be helping with something called disciple now, which is a church retreat where students don't actually go out of town, but instead live at other people's houses for the weekend. For this retreat, I am not actually helping at my own church but a church in Sumter.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 2:40 PM 2 comments
21 February 2009
I am a murderer of love.
So, tonight I decided to change the water that my fish were in to keep them healthy. As I began this activity I noticed that there was a lot of poop in the rocks so I thought to myself that it must be time to clean the fishbowl. As mentioned in the previous post, none of my fish have made it beyond this point in my care. So naturally I was nervous as all get out about the life of my cute little pets.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 9:56 PM 0 comments
First Blog Post Ever!
So, I finally decided to try blogging for the first time. We will see how long this goes and if I enjoy it!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 5:03 PM 0 comments