26 February 2009

Do you have a first aid kit handy?

So as promised, today comes an embarrassing story that I find really funny. It happened over Thanksgiving break and it was awesome!

So I am on my way to T.J. Max to look for some clothes. I get out of my car and walk towards the door. As I get to the door, I pull on the handle and nothing happens. Then I start to jerk the handle thinking that it was jammed and still nothing happened. I finally resorted to knocking on the door to see if anyone would come and help me, but nobody did! Then I peeked inside to see that all of the old ladies inside were laughing at me.

And then I wondered, how did they get into the store?! There had to be a way in, so for like a minute more, I tried to open the door and finally I gave up. It was just not worth ladies laughing at me to save a couple of dollars. As I am walking away, a lady walks from the parking lot to the door and says "Here, let me help you with that!" and opens the other door.

Now I have to go in, but the ladies are still laughing at me. Even the cashier is participating in their revelry! I run to the back of the store, pretend to look at bedding for 3 minutes, then run back out of the store and into my car. Afterwards I drove to the other side of Harbison so that none of the ladies could find me and laugh at my misfortune anymore!

In other news, today in bio lab, we talked about the various ways that birds could die. We all dislike our T.A. so we decided to come up with interesting things to say, such as aliens, earthquakes, atomic bombs, and sliding glass screen doors. Naturally he got very frustrated with us, but that is what keeps it interesting.

In case you forgot and needed a laugh on a slow thursday:

25 February 2009

Vegas, the city that never sleeps!

So for all of time, I have always been in my bed by the time the clock strokes midnight. Lately that has been a problem though. I have been staying up later and later as a result of more and more work due before spring break.

Now usually I am the first one to go to sleep so I don't really have to worry about waking Nick up or anything. But now that I am going to bed later than him, it is a task being quiet! One night this week the lights were out when I went to bed and I had to find my way around in the dark. I think that I got a couple of bruises from that experience!

So anyways, Nick is nice enough to write on the white board when he is asleep so that I know to be quiet when I go in the room. This is a picture of the whiteboard outside of my room. I could have sworn that it said I am going to sleep that night that I found it.

Now it says I am going to Vegas, big shocker I know. What is that supposed to mean!? Normally you can tell when someone writes on your board, but the handwriting looks too similar to tell a difference. Apparently someone is going to Vegas!

In other news, today I went to the gym by myself for the first time. Great experience except for when I was doing my cardio and turned to the person beside me and started to talk before I realized that I did not know them.

Preview for tomorrow: Funny story about Cameron's misfortune. Don't act like you are not looking forward to it.

Preview for the weekend: Lessons learned since being in college and instances of ever increasing and sometimes unwanted independence in the life of a student of higher education.

24 February 2009

Stress is in the air!

In recent events it has come to my attention that some of my colleagues are stressed and yet do not know how to relieve this stress. Well today is your lucky night because I have some suggestions for you!

1. Listen to a jam. Breaking up 30 minutes of studying with 3 minutes of jam time is not too much to ask. Hearing your fav. music will definitely ease your spirits and help you relax. Consider doing homework that you can do at the same time that you listen to music.

2. Do some exercises. Even doing abdominals for 10 minutes will get your blood flowing. It will not only help you feel better about yourself, it will release positive endorphins. Its scientifically proven!

3. Don't flip out on other people. It just makes you look bad and mean. Instead learn to channel your anger in an activity such as number 2.

4. Talk to a friend on the phone, but make sure that the convo. won't last for more that 10-15 minutes.

5. Tell a joke, even if it is just to yourself. A smile looks better on a face than an angry at the world scowl.

So don't be stressed, and most importantly don't take it out on other people. They don't deserve the anger that you want to be dishing out.

In other news:
Today in philosophy class, we talked about the ancient view of abortion and how women would get one to avoid a loss of beauty. She then went on to tell the ladies that the worst thing that happens when you get pregnant is that you can't wear your hot pants anymore. And you might never be able to wear them again. Naturally the whole class erupted into laughter.

Update on Ramen gone wild and other things...

So after talking with Bernadette, there was a new development that has surfaced. The reason for the Ramen bag exploding has now been confirmed!!!

Supposedly the bag ripped open on the hall sprinkler. This was confirmed by the presence of the flavor packet hanging on the sprinkler tonight! So it was possible that she could have flooded the entirety of Maxcy!

In other news, tonight was free pancake night at Ihop. Natalie and I had a delicious free dinner of perfect pancakes with a smoothie followup. Nothing beats free pancakes!

Also, American Idol is not on tonight. All day I kept myself going with the idea that tonight I would be watching my show only to find out that it was canceled by the President.

I also finished lots of homework today, so go team!

Ramen Noodles gone wild!

So today Bernadette and I were walking through the farmer's market.  Midtown, a local church gives us some Ramen Noodles as an ad. for their church.  I got some delicious flavor like steak and she got cream chicken which makes her gag.  So after this event we go to the chicken man where I buy some paintings for a friend.  After this event, she was like "Cameron, let me put those paintings in your book bag for you."  And I just thought that she was being nice.

Turns out that she put her nasty flavored Ramen in my book bag!  So I get back to my room and see the evidence of her deceit!  So I run to the basement, and say to her "Take that you filthy animal!" as I throw the bag at her.  (What I said really was here are your noodles you creep, but I liked the other version better.) So she throws them back at me and says those are nasty!  And then I throw them under her bed and run!  So she runs after me and then throws them at me.

By now, the noodles were all crushed and the bag was weak, so when she threw it the noodles popped out and it rained Ramen in the basement!  At this time, we were both rolling on the floor laughing and then she realized that she had messed up the hallway!  So she ran up to get a vacuum from the front desk before the cleaning ladies could see her.  As she was vacuuming, the cleaning ladies came up behind her and busted her!  

Moral of the story, keep your own Ramen and don't be a creeper! 

I am still awake.

at 12:55 at night.  This is awkward because no one else is awake around me.  It is just me and the study room.

Anyways, I think that I am going to have to talk to some of these professors about giving the amount of homework that they give to us students.  It is just so much sometimes.  So much that I have to stay up until one in the morning to get it all done.  Oh the glories of college!

Maybe tomorrow will be a good day because I busted my butt tonight to get all of my work done for the rest of the week.  Well, technically tomorrow is today, so today will be a good day!  Every day is a good day that my fish are alive for another 24 hours.

I am off to bed.  Goodnight to all of those who are still up and understand that I feel your pain!

22 February 2009

Shawty get loose...

So in two weekends I will be helping with something called disciple now, which is a church retreat where students don't actually go out of town, but instead live at other people's houses for the weekend.  For this retreat, I am not actually helping at my own church but a church in Sumter.  

Now, at the time when I was asked to do this, there were not very many details given out, so I had no idea what to expect.  Turns out that I will be a leader for a house that is full of middle school boys.  Middles school boys who do not believe in the magic of regular showers or appreciate the merits of deodorant.  Enough said.  

So, naturally I am freaking out about this situation when someone makes it a little worse.  Someone who did it a few years ago told me some stories about their experience.  In one particular instance, the students had to take off their shoes.  One kid took off his shoe and apparently the stench was so unbearable.  So unbearable in fact that one of the other kids threw up into his hands.  And not only did he throw up, he froze up out of fear and just held the bile in his hands for like 3 minutes.  

I am now officially creeped out about this whole experience.

21 February 2009

I am a murderer of love.

So, tonight I decided to change the water that my fish were in to keep them healthy.  As I began this activity I noticed that there was a lot of poop in the rocks so I thought to myself that it must be time to clean the fishbowl.  As mentioned in the previous post, none of my fish have made it beyond this point in my care.  So naturally I was nervous as all get out about the life of my cute little pets.  

I began the process, which took about 30 minutes.  I never thought that fish bowls would take so long and so much work to clean out!  So anyways, I did all of this and during it, my fish were in two cups.  I got to the point where it was time to reintroduce the fish back into their home, so I dumped the fish from their cups to the fish bowl.  As I did this I noticed that there was something wrong with Sebastian!  While Veronica was swimming like crazy, he was sitting on the bottom.

At this moment awful memories floated back to me.  Memories of fish lying at the top of the water.  Naturally I began to panic!

So I got this grand idea.  Revive the fish with music!  I turn on a song with really good base and turned the speakers up really high, shaking the foundations of the room!  Lo and behold Sebastian started to swim again and pooped at the same time...

As of right now he swims and then rests.  I sure do hope that he is o.k. and that I did not kill another fish.  I will definitely keep the blog posted with further developments, of which I hope will be positive!

First Blog Post Ever!

So, I finally decided to try blogging for the first time. We will see how long this goes and if I enjoy it!

What does one write about in their blog. Their feelings? Their happenings of the day? Random thoughts and sights that they see during the day? I will just stick with what ever I want to write about!

Some say that college is a time full of new experiences. For some these are big experiences. For others, like me, these experiences include taking care of two fish and printing photos on photo paper with my printer for the first time... sounds fun I know.

So as for the fish, two summers ago I had a fish for the first time. It lasted for 5 days. Later in the summer I had a fish for a lot longer. It lived for about 3 weeks. Too bad that years later a friend told me that when she kept my fish she killed it and bought another one, so he didn't really count. So as of right now my record for keeping a fish alive is about one and a half weeks! Currently Sebastian and Veronica, my bundles of joy, have lived for a whopping 3 weeks and one day! My mother can no longer call my fish bowl a chamber of death!

As for the other new experience, printing my photos, I have yet to see how that turns out. As soon as I know I will post again though, maybe with photos of the photos! Until next post!