05 August 2009

A new home for the blog!

Just so that everyone knows I am switching the domain of my blog. From now on you can find updates of my life at CameronTBell.wordpress.com. This is the new home of my blog. Remember to comment!

23 May 2009

I got sunshine on a cloudy day. When its cold outside I got the month of May.

So today was an interesting day. Woke up kind of late because I was out late last night at Jillian's shagging the night away. Later in the day I went and applied to a job, and I think that this could be the one. It is at a grocery store, and I am kind of warming up to the idea of working there. We will just see on Monday what happens.

Tonight, I called up my friend Molly to see her bunny, Bella. This turned into a really fun night. Other friends came over and we drank strawberry daiquiris and talked about all things in the past. It was really interesting to see the things that we cared so much about back then really don't matter all that much now. What made us furious, we now laugh at. Just puts things into perspective. It lets me know not to take myself too seriously and to take everything with a grain of salt.

And I am currently watching the middle of an interesting movie on VH1. I think it is about the band that sang "My Girl" first.

Current Summer Jam: Fire Burnin' by Sean Kingston.

06 May 2009

Hold me secure in flight. Sing me to sleep tonight.

Hello readers!

Sorry that there has not been a post in a very long time. A hectic exam schedule will do that to you. But as exams are winding to a close with my last one being tomorrow, I have some time to write in the blog and reflect a little.

Two days ago, Veronica died. I did everything I could for her, including playing my best bass music and getting her some medicine but it was just too late. Yesterday I got three ghost shrimp to replace her in the bowl, and I got to thinking. Although her death was bad, it signaled the end of something good and the beginning of something else. Not something bad or better, just different. This can apply to the end of my freshman year.

Although it will be sad to say goodbye to everyone it has to happen. All good things come to an end, but they always lead to something wonderful and completely new. So instead of being sad, I am hopeful that this will be a great summer and that my sophomore year of college has even better things in store for me.

The fact that summer is coming up means that Cameron gets cut off financially and thus has to find a job. Gotten rejected at tons of places and has some applications in the works. We will see where those go, but if anyone has any suggestions, I am more than receptive!

In funnier news, the other day I went with my mother to the grocery store. There she put me in charge of getting the apples. I remembered that you had to choose good apples that were not bruised. I found the perfect one on the bottom of the pile. I grabbed it and just as I pulled, the whole display collapsed! I leaned my body against the stand to hold the apples and reset up the display in the next ten minutes, while multiple store employees walked by me and laughed. I then had to explain to my mom why it took 12 minutes to get 6 apples.

Basically I just rock at life.

20 April 2009

I'm her mom. No she's not!

I promise that there will be a text post soon (maybe tonight) but this video was too funny to pass up!

14 April 2009

Scarlett takes a tumble.

And at last, all the pictures have been burned. And all the past, is just a lesson that we learned.

So I swear that there is a ghost that lives on my hall. Twice this year, events have been happening that there is no logical explanation for. Once, some random m & ms just showed up in Morgan's room. And today, her ironing board randomly appeared opened in the middle of the room. When the roommate was questioned, it was confirmed that she did not put it out! And that leaves no explanation but a ghost! The last two nights, the study room was locked and the lights were off. Therefore we have confirmed this as the place that the ghost has taken up residence. We have not determined if it is nice or if it is mean.

We do have a suspect. We think that Andrea is the ghost. Think about it and it makes sense. She is really smart and makes good grades because she has been alive for 1,000 years. And she is really good at the gym because she is supernatural. She is just disguising herself in human form so that she can trick us. The ghost is most definitely Andrea.

In other news, I got an 84 on my bio test and a 93 on my Spanish test, both of which are A's! I am so proud of myself. Looks like hard work really does pay off.

I am also injured in 3 different places right now. At easter I fell over my great uncle's walker, which resulted in internal bleeding. Today I woke up with a pain in my toe when I walk, leading me to think that I either jammed it or broke it in my sleep. And tonight while I was trying to open my spaghettios, I sliced my thumb on the can. I had to then get a new can because too much blood entered the can. Not a fun day!

Have a great Tues. night and Wed.!

09 April 2009

Heroes come and go but you're still standing.

So tonight's post is going to be a little shorter because I have a bio test to study for that will decide the fate of the my life forever. Understand the severity?!

O.k. So yesterday I did something that I have not done for like 2 years and it felt kind of good. I bought a c.d., and not like one off of iTunes, but a auctual in the flesh c.d. Weird I know. But it got me thinking, in 10 years, will kids be born that don't even know what a c.d. is? Today in Sociology we talked about how our generation grew up with computers and cell phones and so many other things that generations before us lived without for much of their lives. How much is the world going to change before I have kids?

So I want to ask my audience something. What is the last and first c.d. that you ever bought? And what are some things that have fallen off the map in your lifetime?

P.S. The c.d. that I bought was the new David Cook c.d. It is absolutely amazing for anyone who was wondering. You should all go and spend your hard earned money on it!