So tonight's post is going to be a little shorter because I have a bio test to study for that will decide the fate of the my life forever. Understand the severity?!
O.k. So yesterday I did something that I have not done for like 2 years and it felt kind of good. I bought a c.d., and not like one off of iTunes, but a auctual in the flesh c.d. Weird I know. But it got me thinking, in 10 years, will kids be born that don't even know what a c.d. is? Today in Sociology we talked about how our generation grew up with computers and cell phones and so many other things that generations before us lived without for much of their lives. How much is the world going to change before I have kids?
So I want to ask my audience something. What is the last and first c.d. that you ever bought? And what are some things that have fallen off the map in your lifetime?
P.S. The c.d. that I bought was the new David Cook c.d. It is absolutely amazing for anyone who was wondering. You should all go and spend your hard earned money on it!
I think the first cd I ever had was 98 degrees...hahaha. oh boy bands. probably the most recently bought cd was like modest mouse or maybe green day...hard to remember.
Hmm...the first CD I ever bought was Backstreet Boys :) I'm right there with the boy bands, too! And the last one...I think it was 3 Doors Down? That's a guess! thing that I think is progressively falling off the map during our lifetimes is landline phones...everyone's got cell phones now, so lots of households don't even use their landlines anymore and are getting rid of them.
The first cd I bought was n*sync. And the other day I was in my car with lydia and I told her to pick a cd. So she opens my case and is looking around and she finds it, and she says "What is "n","s","y","n","c".
She said each letter individually. It made me feel very old that she didn't even know who n*sync was...
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