Just so that everyone knows I am switching the domain of my blog. From now on you can find updates of my life at CameronTBell.wordpress.com. This is the new home of my blog. Remember to comment!
05 August 2009
23 May 2009
I got sunshine on a cloudy day. When its cold outside I got the month of May.
So today was an interesting day. Woke up kind of late because I was out late last night at Jillian's shagging the night away. Later in the day I went and applied to a job, and I think that this could be the one. It is at a grocery store, and I am kind of warming up to the idea of working there. We will just see on Monday what happens.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 12:28 AM 0 comments
06 May 2009
Hold me secure in flight. Sing me to sleep tonight.
Hello readers!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 12:09 AM 2 comments
20 April 2009
I'm her mom. No she's not!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 2:29 PM 1 comments
14 April 2009
And at last, all the pictures have been burned. And all the past, is just a lesson that we learned.
So I swear that there is a ghost that lives on my hall. Twice this year, events have been happening that there is no logical explanation for. Once, some random m & ms just showed up in Morgan's room. And today, her ironing board randomly appeared opened in the middle of the room. When the roommate was questioned, it was confirmed that she did not put it out! And that leaves no explanation but a ghost! The last two nights, the study room was locked and the lights were off. Therefore we have confirmed this as the place that the ghost has taken up residence. We have not determined if it is nice or if it is mean.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 10:37 PM 74 comments
09 April 2009
Heroes come and go but you're still standing.
So tonight's post is going to be a little shorter because I have a bio test to study for that will decide the fate of the my life forever. Understand the severity?!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 9:57 PM 3 comments
08 April 2009
All I want to do is looove you!
This is a test. I am trying to see who actually reads this thing. So if you are reading this post, I would like you to add a comment about what you think about the blog so far and what your would like to see in the future. Your feedback would be helpful and encouraging!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 4:02 PM 11 comments
07 April 2009
Ain't no sunshine when shes gone...
So it has been about week since my last post. I am so sorry my loyal followers! I had tons of work and things to do but I'm back!
So last week something happened to me that only happens in movies. Well, at least in really bad movies. I was walking towards my philosophy class and I heard the fire alarm going off inside the building! Scores of students were pouring outside of the building. Long story short there was a gas leak, but class was delayed like 30 minutes and I finally was able to be a part of a real life disaster. The closest I have ever been in the past was a freon leak at my high school. This gas leak was definitely an epic win for Cameron!
This past weekend I also went to Folly Beach and Charleston for a much needed vacation! Hanna and Alexa also came to do the bridge run and then they stayed with us for the rest of the weekend. It was definitely interesting and funny. Just ask them about the hairstyle that "Brandi" gave them. I am sure that there are pics somewhere. I even got a little bit tanner and it was overall a great weekend.
Today was a basic Tuesday, but tonight I am going to see David Cook in the Russell house. I am missing American Idol to see the American Idol! How ironic. I will definitely let you know how the concert goes in the next post though.
Here is some advice to get you through the week:
1. If your schedule appointment time is during one of your classes, get a friend to put in the schedule codes for you and then get your mom to bake them a treat later.
2. If you are looking for something to get you through the day on Tuesday, new music Tuesday always does it for me!
3. It is o.k. to run across campus in the freezing cold wind to get the best cookie in the world from the Colloquium.
4. If you need anything in the world, the nearest lady probably already has it.
5. Late night visits from Jennifer and Lane are a whole bunch of fun but definitely felt early in the morning when you have a 9 o'clock.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 3:36 PM 2 comments
26 March 2009
I'll tell you my dirty little secret.
I have been reading this blog called Post secret for about a year and a half now. The link is http://postsecret.blogspot.com/and the premise behind the website is that people send in their secrets on the back of a website. I find it very therapeutic and entertaining to read all of the new secrets every Sunday. I have even considered sending in one of my own secrets one day. One day this summer maybe I will get around to it. Apparently my friend Sallie has already done this. I have not seen anyone that I think could even be hers but maybe it is better that way. Here is an example of one of the secrets found on the site.

Posted by Cameron Bell at 10:33 PM 1 comments
24 March 2009
You gotta take the good and the bad, the happy and the sad...
Today was a pretty good Tuesday! It was not too boring of a day, although there are certain limits to how riveting a Sociology 101 class can be. I also got 7 clues in the crossword puzzle today which is practically a new record. I am obviously much better suited to the math oriented puzzles.
Today I also did my first real official resume. It was kind of scary just because I was condensing all of my life into one small piece of paper, but I made it through. It was a pretty solid resume in my opinion too. And I also bought a delicious square of fudge for three dollars, and shared with some amigos.
The following is a video from a series that one of my friends reminded me of. Her name is Sam August in case you were wondering.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 10:41 PM 0 comments
23 March 2009
It is most definitely a Monday.
So in case your calendar didn't tell you it was a monday, all the other signs should have to you that it was! It was a rough one too.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 6:32 PM 0 comments
19 March 2009
And they're gone so fast...
Just a little mmmbop for those who enjoy it. Today was a MUCH better day than yesterday. For breakfast I had a chocolate cream filled donut, which is my ultimate favorite of all time. And then for my Chemistry test, I got a 94 without extra credit added, which is not to shabby. And then in bio lab we dissected flowers and got to keep one too. Much better day. I have also finally moved on from my failure and looked to the future!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 7:52 PM 3 comments
18 March 2009
Today was the first time.
That I got a 70 on a major test, and it stinks that I got it in biology, which is detrimental to my medical school career. But I am trying not to let it get me down and to move on from it and do better next time. So in order to cheer things up, I am going to talk about happier things.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 11:35 PM 2 comments
17 March 2009
It has been forever!
Since my last post! I was just so busy with work right before spring break and then spring break itself, that I forgot to blog for like 2 weeks. Well I am back!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 7:15 PM 0 comments
05 March 2009
I was born without a front tooth.
Or at least I am now missing a part of one. Tonight at dinner we talked about embarrassing moments/ traumatizing moments in history to liven up the dinner conversation. I told the story of the time when in the 3rd grade I ran into a pole and lost half of my right front tooth. It has been a real pain ever since. Can't use teeth whiteners except expensive dentist treatments and when I got my braces off, they also ripped off my fake part of my tooth!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 7:36 PM 0 comments
02 March 2009
A trip to the zoo in the rain...
Posted by Cameron Bell at 11:00 PM 0 comments
How long has it been again?!
O.k. So I know that it has been a super long time since the last post but that is because I have been super busy. I am thinking that the originally planned topic for this post will have to be postponed till later next week though.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 10:52 PM 0 comments
26 February 2009
Do you have a first aid kit handy?
So as promised, today comes an embarrassing story that I find really funny. It happened over Thanksgiving break and it was awesome!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 5:10 PM 0 comments
25 February 2009
Vegas, the city that never sleeps!
So for all of time, I have always been in my bed by the time the clock strokes midnight. Lately that has been a problem though. I have been staying up later and later as a result of more and more work due before spring break.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 11:49 PM 1 comments
24 February 2009
Stress is in the air!
In recent events it has come to my attention that some of my colleagues are stressed and yet do not know how to relieve this stress. Well today is your lucky night because I have some suggestions for you!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Update on Ramen gone wild and other things...
So after talking with Bernadette, there was a new development that has surfaced. The reason for the Ramen bag exploding has now been confirmed!!!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Ramen Noodles gone wild!
So today Bernadette and I were walking through the farmer's market. Midtown, a local church gives us some Ramen Noodles as an ad. for their church. I got some delicious flavor like steak and she got cream chicken which makes her gag. So after this event we go to the chicken man where I buy some paintings for a friend. After this event, she was like "Cameron, let me put those paintings in your book bag for you." And I just thought that she was being nice.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 5:40 PM 2 comments
I am still awake.
at 12:55 at night. This is awkward because no one else is awake around me. It is just me and the study room.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 12:55 AM 0 comments
22 February 2009
Shawty get loose...
So in two weekends I will be helping with something called disciple now, which is a church retreat where students don't actually go out of town, but instead live at other people's houses for the weekend. For this retreat, I am not actually helping at my own church but a church in Sumter.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 2:40 PM 2 comments
21 February 2009
I am a murderer of love.
So, tonight I decided to change the water that my fish were in to keep them healthy. As I began this activity I noticed that there was a lot of poop in the rocks so I thought to myself that it must be time to clean the fishbowl. As mentioned in the previous post, none of my fish have made it beyond this point in my care. So naturally I was nervous as all get out about the life of my cute little pets.
Posted by Cameron Bell at 9:56 PM 0 comments
First Blog Post Ever!
So, I finally decided to try blogging for the first time. We will see how long this goes and if I enjoy it!
Posted by Cameron Bell at 5:03 PM 0 comments