24 February 2009

Update on Ramen gone wild and other things...

So after talking with Bernadette, there was a new development that has surfaced. The reason for the Ramen bag exploding has now been confirmed!!!

Supposedly the bag ripped open on the hall sprinkler. This was confirmed by the presence of the flavor packet hanging on the sprinkler tonight! So it was possible that she could have flooded the entirety of Maxcy!

In other news, tonight was free pancake night at Ihop. Natalie and I had a delicious free dinner of perfect pancakes with a smoothie followup. Nothing beats free pancakes!

Also, American Idol is not on tonight. All day I kept myself going with the idea that tonight I would be watching my show only to find out that it was canceled by the President.

I also finished lots of homework today, so go team!